Palisades Tahoe to Auburn
Saturday, August 5, 2017
1960 Palisades Tahoe Road
Olympic Valley, CA 96161

This modern-day amateur equestrian event stretches over the Sierra Nevada in a 100-mile horse race that begins in Palisades Tahoe and ends in Auburn.

The Tevis Cup Ride is the founding modern-day equestrian event of its kind in the world. Today, there are hundreds of endurance riding events throughout the nation and in many countries overseas that are based upon the methods and standards originally established by this event. This includes the modeling of national organizations which sanction similar endurance riding events.

The WSTF has long recognized an obligation to continue the tradition that began decades ago. The Tevis Cup 100 Miles One Day Ride represents the Foundation''s commitment to the ideals of a pioneering experience along historically significant trails that traverse the scenic wilderness of the Sierra Nevada Mountains from east of Palisades Tahoe to Auburn. Since the origin of modern day endurance riding that started with this event in 1955, thousands of horsemen and their athletic steeds have sought the challenges of the Tevis Cup Ride. The event counts among its alumni many experts of American and International horsemanship.

“A challenge in which every rider can be a hero, if only to himself.”

Details: 530-823-7282 or

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